Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

Prime University has established IQAC to support the university in achieving its vision through providing good quality education.Quality Assurance is not just about teaching, rather it is about a culture within the university that strives to improve quality at all aspects, at all levels, of the university programs, processes, and objectives. We see this as a continuous process of improving quality with no finish line. The fundamental objective of IQAC will be to develop the overall performance of the institution via performance evaluation, assessment, teaching quality up-gradation and hence pave the way towards higher accreditation.

To achieve academic excellence through quality assurance practices in higher education institutions (HEIs) as a credible and internationally recognized agency. Prime University looks forward to have a transformational impact on the society with international quality service rendered by the graduates who are imbued with the spirit of humanity, professionalism and holistic academic excellence.

Prime University is committed to building up academic excellence through curriculum development, quality teaching-learning, scholarship and services designed to help build up knowledge based society ensuring quality education. Within the context of lifelong learning, the university will build on its national and international reputation for innovative student-centered programs that enable students from diverse backgrounds to achieve their educational goals. Tailoring the moral values and nurturing latent power of students will be facilitated to obtain placement in job market in such a manner as is ethically justified, religiously attestable, culturally harmonious and intellectually competent.


  1. To ensure continuous improvement in the entire operations of the University in general and quality of teaching in particular.
  2. To ensure stakeholders connected with higher education namely parents, teachers, staff, would be employers, funding agencies and society in general of its own quality and probity.

  • Strategies:
    1. Ensuring timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic tasks.
    2. The relevance and quality of academic and research programs.
    3. Equitable access to and affordability of academic programs for various sections of society.
    4. Optimization and integration of modern methods of teaching and learning.
    5. The credibility of evaluation procedures.


Professor Dr. Engr. Md. Rashidul Hasan

Professor & Head & Dean

Director, IQAC

Email :

Email :

Md. Jahidul Azad

Assistant Professor

Additional Director, Quality Assurance(QA)

Email :

Email :

Md. Nazrul Islam

Assistant Professor

Additional Director, Excellence in Training Learning(ETL)

Email :

Ms. Laila Akhter

Accounts Office

Accounts Officer, IQAC

Email :

Quality Assurance Committee

Self-Assessment Committee

Team Building

    1. A workshop on "Team Building" was held at Prime University, 17th August, 2017 at 12:00 PM. Prime University.... Read More

Self-Assessment Report of CSE (Draft)

    1. A workshop on Self-Assessment Report of CSE (Draft) was held at Prime University, 04th September, 2018 at 10:30 AM.Read More

Team Building Self Assessment of EEE Department

    1. A workshop on "Team Building Self Assessment of EEE Department" was held at Prime University, 23rd August, 2017 at 11:00 AMRead More

Self-Assessment Report of Department of EEE

    1. Workshop held at Prime University on the Draft Self-Assessment Report of Department of EEE in the Seminar Room on 13 September, 2018Read More

# Title Date View Downloads
# Title View Downloads
1 Survey tools for program self-assessment
2 SA Manual
3 IQAC Manuals
# Title Date View Downloads