Sujit Kumer Deb Nath

Assistant Professor

MBA, Rajshahi University
BBA, Rajshahi University

Sujit Kumer Deb Nath

Tourism and Hospitality Management

1.  Karim, M, Bhuiyan, M.Y.A, Nath, S.K, Latif, W. B, (2021), Conceptual Framework of Recruitment and Selection Process, International Journal of Business and Social Research, Vol. 11, Issue 02, 18-25

2.   Hussain, S, Nath, S. K, Bhuiyan, M.Y.A, (2016), Weak Form Efficiency of the Chittagong Stock Exchange: An Empirical Analysis (2006-2016), International Journal of Business and Social Research, Vol. 6, Issue 11, 58-66

3.   Khan, M. A , Rahman, A. F. M,  Nath, S.K, (2015), Consumer decision-making-styles for nondurable consumer goods, IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), Vol. 17, Issue 2, 61-67

Lecturer, Department of Business Administration, America Bangladesh University (November 08, 2012- March 08,2013)