Notice Board
09JanNotice regarding PU Bus Service
09OctCentral Viva
31JulSpecial Examination Midterm, Summer 2023 (Tri-Semester)
The vision is to create knowledge based engineering society for cultivating knowledge in the field of electrical and electronic sectors of our country.
- Conduct research and deliver comprehensive education in electrical and electronic engineering sector.
- To develop technologically sound graduates with strong moral and ethical values in the field of electrical and electronic engineering to meet domestic and worldwide needs.
- To conduct collaborative research with academia and industry to catalyze innovation and growth in technology
Departmental Events
Communication Laboratory
Introduction to Communication laboratory is designed to teach more real-life communication technologies and their underneath fundamentals of analog and digital modulation techniques such as amplitude modulation, frequency modulation, phase modulation, quadrature amplitude modulations, pulse code modulation, pulse amplitude modulation, on off keying, phase shift keying etc. Moreover, several channel characteristics like fading, noise properties, bit error rate calculations etc. is frequently investigated to demonstrate the transmission behaviors. On completion of this laboratory student will be able to precisely identify channel behaviors and recent communication technologies.
Electronics Laboratory
The Electronics lab is designed to give the students with a practical experience working with applications of operational amplifier, diodes and transistors (BJT, FETs and MOSFETs). The laboratory is complemented in support with the theory taught in the lectures in order to help the students apply their knowledge of electronics in engineering. The labs also reinforce the concepts discussed in class with a hands-on approach and allow the students to gain significant experience with electrical instruments such as function generators, digital multimeters, oscilloscopes, and power supplies.
The Digital Electronics lab is designed such that the students get a hand on familiarity with the concepts they come across in the Digital Electronics course. This course deals with the basics of digital systems design, different types of ICs, different digital logic gates: AND, OR, NOT, NAND, NOR, XOR, & XNOR gates, logic probe, IC tester, IC extractor, digital meters, data switches, and wide ranges of digital ICs of TTL and CMOS series. Students do laboratory experiments combinational and sequential circuits and test their functionality by hardware implementation. Because of the significance of this course, the Lab has been carefully designed to meet the course requirement. Experiments are designed in such a way that the students become well aware of the concepts they learn in the theory sessions.
Electrical Circuits Laboratory
The Electrical Circuits lab is one of the introductory labs in our university that comprises of DC Circuit Laboratory and AC Circuit Laboratory. For DC Circuit Lab, we familiarize the students with different types of circuit and network theorems. We use sophisticated DC power supply, Digital Multi Meter, Trainer Board to implement these theorems. In addition, we also use different values of resistors and other circuitry components. For the AC circuit Laboratory, students are introduced with rectifiers, voltage stabilization and various tuning circuits to comprehend and to visualize the real-life scenarios. To do so, we provide the students with well-furnished lab consisting of Oscilloscopes, Signal Generators, Function Generators etc. We believe that students are benefited from these laboratory sessions as part of their coursework.
Measurement and Instrumentation lab: At present, the classes of this laboratory are being conducted in the Electrical Circuits Laboratory. This laboratory is well resourced with various types of test and measurement instruments like galvanometer, ammeter, voltmeter, wattmeter, energy meter, variacs, solar panel, different types of transducer etc. Students design and implement experiments on differential and instrumentation amplifier, universal voltmeter, power and energy measurement techniques, high resistance measurement by loss of charge method, minority carrier life-time measurement of LED, LDR etc. They also do few experiments using MATLAB and PSPICE software, such as sensitivity measurement of Wheatstone bridge, frequency measurement etc.
Physics Laboratory
This laboratory is well equipped with various types of apparatus such as calorimeters, post office box, meter bridge, potentiometer, polarimeter, compound pendulum, microscope, sonometer, optical bench, traveling microscope, resistance boxes (ranging from 0.1 W to 10,000 W), rheostats of various ranges, slide calipers, screw gauges, capillary tubes, Searle’s apparatus, bad conductors, good conductors, viscosity measurement apparatus, galvanometers, voltmeters, ammeters, multimeters etc