Program Summary
Total Credits Required for Degree: 157.5 credits
Total Duration for Degree: 4 year(s)
Minimum CGPA Required for Degree: 2.50

Program Objective

The objective of the bachelor of civil engineering program in Prime University will be to produce high quality civil engineers who will be excellent in the area of the construction of energy-efficient houses, bridges and other structures related to water resources, transportation, environmental management, and such many other areas.

Program Outcome

  • an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering;
  • an ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data;
  • an ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety, manufacturability, and sustainability;
  • an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams;
  • an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems;
  • an understanding of professional and ethical responsibility;
  • an ability to communicate effectively;
  • the broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context;
  • a recognition of the need for, and an ability to engage in life-long learning;
  • a knowledge of contemporary issues and an ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice.

Curriculum Structure

  Serial No   Course Code   Course Title   Credit
  1   BNG 111   Bangla Language   3
  2   ENG 111   Communicative English Language I   3
  3   PHY 111   Physics I   3
  4   CHM 111   Chemistry I   3
  5   MAT 111   Differential and Integral Calculus   3
  6   CE 111   Surveying   3
  7   CE 112   Civil and Mechanical Engineering Drawing   1.5
  8   BDS 121   Bangladesh Studies   3
  9   ENG 121   Communicative English Language II   3
  10   PHY 122   Physics I Lab   1.5
  11   CHM 122   Chemistry I Lab   1.5
  12   MAT 121   Differential Equation and Numerical Methods   3
  13   CE 121   Engineering Mechanics I   3
  14   CE 122   Digital Drafting (2D AutoCAD & 3D Studio Max Drawing)   1.5
  15   EEE 121   Basic Electrical Engineering   3
  16   PHY 211   Physics II   3
  17   MAT 211   Probability and Statistics   3
  18   MGT 211   Principle of Business, Accounting and Management   3
  19   CE 211   Engineering Mechanics II   3
  20   CE 212   Architectural, Engineering and Planning Appreciation   1.5
  21   CE 213   Engineering Materials   3
  22   CE 214   Practical Surveying   1.5
  23   ME 212   Machine Shop   1.5
  24   CSE 212   Structured Programming C Lab   1.5
  25   MATH 221   Matrices, Linear Algebra and Applied Mathematics   3
  26   CE 221   Engineering Geology and Geomorphology   3
  27   CE 222   Quantity Surveying   1.5
  28   CE 223   Solid Mechanics I   3
  29   CE 224   Structural Mechanics and Materials Lab   1.5
  30   CE 225   Environmental Engineering I   3
  31   CE 226   Carpentry, Machine and Welding Shop Lab   1.5
  32   CE 228   Details of Construction   1.5
  33   WRE 221   Fluid Mechanics   3
  34   CE 311   Solid Mechanics II   3
  35   CE 312   Environmental Engineering I Lab   1.5
  36   CE 313   Design of Concrete Structure I   3
  37   CE 314   Professional Practices and Communication Lab   1.5
  38   CE 315   Environmental Engineering II   3
  39   CE 317   Geotechnical Engineering I: Principles of Soil Mechanics   3
  40   CE 319   Transportation Engineering I: Transportation Planning and Traffic Engineering   3
  41   WRE 311   Open Channel Flow   3
  42   WRE 312   Fluid Mechanics Lab   1.5
  43   CE 321   Structural Analysis and Design I   3
  44   CE 322   Concrete Lab   1.5
  45   CE 323   Design of Concrete Structures II   3
  46   CE 324   Design of Concrete Structure Lab   1.5
  47   CE 325   Transportation Engineering II: Highways Design and Railways   3
  48   CE 326   Geotechnical Engineering Lab   1.5
  49   WRE 321   Hydrology   3
  50   WRE 322   Open Channel Flow Lab   1.5
  51   ECON 321   Engineering Economics   3
  52   CS 411   Structural Analysis and Design II   3
  53   CE 412   Transportation Engineering I Lab   1.5
  54   CE 413   Project Planning and Management   3
  55   CE 414   Structural Analysis and Design I Lab   1.5
  56   CE 415   Professional Practices, Engineering Ethics and Communication   3
  57   CE 417   Foundation Engineering   3
  58   RM 412   Research Methodology   1.5
  59   CE 400   Project/Thesis   4.5
  60   CE 421   Introduction to Steel-Concrete Composite Structures   3
  61   CE 423   Prestressed Concrete   3
  62   CE 425   Design of Concrete Structures III   3
  63   CE 427   Introduction to Finite Element Method   3
  64   CE 429   Dynamics of Structures   3
  65   WRE 421   Coastal Engineering   3
  66   WRE 423   Groundwater Engineering   3
  67   WRE 425   River Engineering   3
  68   WRE 427   Hydraulic Structures   3
  69   WRE 422   Water Resources Engineering Lab   1.5
  70   ENV 421   Environmental Engineering III: Solid and Hazardous Waste Management   3
  71   ENV 423   Environmental Engineering IV: Environmental Pollution Management   3
  72   ENV 425   Environmental Engineering V: Environmental and Sustainable Management   3
  73   ENV 422   Environmental Engineering Lab II: Design of Water Supply, Sanitation and Sewerage System   1.5
  74   GTE 421   Earth Retaining Structures   3
  75   GTE 423   Elementary Soil Dynamics   3
  76   GTE 425   Soil-water Interaction   3
  77   GTE 422   Geotechnical Engineering Design Lab   1.5
  78   TRE 421   Transportation Engineering III: Traffic Engineering Design and Management   3
  79   TRE 423   Transportation Engineering IV: Pavement Management, Drainage and Airport   3
  80   TRE 425   Transportation Engineering V: Urban Transportation Planning and Management   3
  81  TRE 422  Transportation Engineering Lab II: Pavement Design and Traffic Studies  1.5

Course Distribution

1st Year, 1st Semester

  Course Code   Course Title   Credit
  BNG 111   Bangla Language   3
  ENG 111   Communicative English Language I   3
  PHY 111   Physics I   3
  CHM 111   Chemistry I   3
  CE 111   Surveying   3
  CE 112   Civil and Mechanical Engineering Drawing   1.5
  CE 113   Engineering Mechanics I   3
  Total Credits    19.5

1st Year, 2nd Semester

  BDS 121    Emergence of Independent Bangladesh   3
  ENG 121   Communicative English Language II   3
  PHY 122   Physics I Lab   1.5
  CHM 122   Chemistry I Lab   1.5
  MAT 121   Differential and Integral Calculus   3
  CE 121   Engineering Mechanics II   3
  CE 122   Digital Drafting (2D AutoCAD & 3D Studio Max Drawing)   1.5
  EEE 121   Basic Electrical Engineering   3
  Total Credits    19.5

2nd Year, 1st Semester

  PHY 211   Physics II   3
  MAT 211   Differential Equation and Numerical Methods   3
  MGT 211   Principle of Business, Accounting and Management   3
  CE 211   Solid Mechanics I   3
  CE 212   Architectural, Engineering and Planning Appreciation   1.5
  CE 213   Engineering Materials   3
  CE 214   Practical Surveying   1.5
  CE 216   MATLAB   1.5
  CSE 212   Structured Programming C Lab   1.5
  Total Credits    21

2nd Year, 2nd Semester

  MAT 221   Probability and Statistics   3
  CE 221   Engineering Geology and Geomorphology   3
  CE 222   Quantity Surveying   1.5
  CE 224   Structural Mechanics and Materials Lab   1.5
  CE 225   Environmental Engineering I   3
  CE 226   Carpentry and Welding Shop Lab   1.5
  CE 227   Solid Mechanics II   3
  CE 228   Details of Construction   1.5
  WRE 221   Fluid Mechanics   3
  Total Credits    21

3rd Year, 1st Semester

  MAT 311   Matrices, Linear Algebra and Applied Mathematics   3
  CE 312   Environmental Engineering I Lab   1.5
  CE 313   Design of Concrete Structure I   3
  CE 314   Professional Practices and Communication Lab   1.5
  CE 315   Environmental Engineering II   3
  CE 317   Geotechnical Engineering I: Principles of Soil Mechanics   3
  CE 319   Transportation Engineering I: Transportation Planning and Traffic Engineering   3
  WRE 311   Open Channel Flow   3
  WRE 312   Fluid Mechanics Lab   1.5
  Total Credits    22.5

3rd Year, 2nd Semester

  CE 321   Structural Analysis and Design I   3
  CE 322   Concrete Lab   1.5
  CE 323   Design of Concrete Structures II   3
  CE 324   Design of Concrete Structure Lab   1.5
  CE 325   Transportation Engineering II: Highways Design and Railways   3
  CE 326   Geotechnical Engineering Lab   1.5
  WRE 321   Hydrology   3
  WRE 322   Open Channel Flow Lab   1.5
  ECON 321   Engineering Economics   3
  Total Credits    21

4th Year, 1st Semester

  CS 411   Structural Analysis and Design II   3
  CE 412   Transportation Engineering I Lab   1.5
  CE 413   Project Planning and Management   3
  CE 414   Structural Analysis and Design I Lab   1.5
  CE 415   Professional Practices, Engineering Ethics and Communication   3
  CE 417   Foundation Engineering   3
  RM 412   Research Methodology   1.5
  CE 400   Project/Thesis   4.5
  Total Credits    21

* CE 400: Project /Thesis work should be done by the concerned student during Semester 1 and Semester 2 of the Forth Year.

Total Credits = 157.5
  Theory The student concerned is to choose two theory courses from major area and one theory course from minor area from any one area of the Technical Elective courses mentioned in Section 1.7.   9
  Lab The student concerned is to choose one lab course from major area and one lab course from minor area from any one area of the Technical Elective courses mentioned in Section 1.7.   3
  Total Credits    12

4th Year, 2nd Semester

  TheoryThe student concerned is to choose two theory courses from major area and one theory course from minor area from any one area of the Technical Elective courses mentioned in Section 1.7.  9
  Lab The student concerned is to choose one lab course from major area and one lab course from minor area from any one area of the Technical Elective courses mentioned in Section 1.7.   3
  Total Credits    12
Total Credits = 157.5