Md. Mostak Ahmed
Associate Professor
Ph.D. (Fellow), DU, University of Dhaka
M.Sc in Electrical
& Electronic Engineering, Islamic University, Kushtia
B.Sc in Electrical
& Electronic Engineering, Islamic University, Kushtia
Md. Mostak Ahmed
Thin film Solar Cell, Semiconductor Nano-materials.
- Sunirmal Kumar Biswas, Monira Khanom Mim, and Md Mostak Ahmed. "Design and Simulation of an Environment-Friendly ZrS2/CuInS2 Thin Film Solar Cell Using SCAPS 1D Software." Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2023 (2023). (Scopus Index, H-INDEX: 59, Q-2, Impact Factor: 2.09)
- Sunirmal Kumar Biswas, Md Shamsujjoha Sumon, Kushal Sarker, Mst Orthe, and Md Mostak Ahmed. "A Numerical Approach to Analysis of an Environment-Friendly Sn-Based Perovskite Solar Cell with SnO2 Buffer Layer Using SCAPS-1D." Advances in Materials Science and Engineering 2023 (2023). (Scopus Index, H-INDEX: 59, Q-2, Impact Factor: 2.09)
- Kushal Sarker Md Shamsujjoha Sumon, Mst Orthe, Sunirmal Kumar Biswas, and Md Mostak Ahmed. "Numerical Simulation of High Efficiency Environment Friendly CuBi2 O4-Based Thin-Film Solar Cell Using SCAPS-1D." International Journal of Photoenergy 2023 (2023). (Web of Science, Scopus Index, H-INDEX: 61, Q-2, Impact Factor: 3.2)
- Ali, Ahmed Elsayid, Zaira Zaman Chowdhury, Ramprosad Devnath, Md Mostak Ahmed, Md Mahfujur Rahman, Khalisanni Khalid, Yasmin Abdul Wahab et al. "Removal of Azo Dyes from Aqueous Effluent Using Bio-Based Activated Carbons: Toxicity Aspects and Environmental Impact." Separations 10, no. 9 (2023): 506. (Scopus Index, H-INDEX: 24, Q-3, Impact Factor: 2.6)
- Sunirmal Kumar Biswas, Md Mostak Ahmed, Mst Farzana Orthe, Md Shamsujjoha Sumon, and Kushal Sarker. "Numerical Investigation of High Efficiency Cu₂SnSe₃ Thin Film Solar Cell with a Suitable ZnSe Buffer Layer Using SCAPS 1D Software." European Journal of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science 7, no. 5 (2023): 63-70
- Md Abdul Halim, Sunirmal Kumar Biswas, Md Shafiqul Islam, and Md Mostak Ahmed. "Numerical Simulation of Non-toxic ZnSe Buffer Layer to Enhance Sb2S3 Solar Cell Efficiency Using SCAPS-1D Software." International Journal of Robotics & Control Systems 2, no. 4 (2022). (Scopus Index, Peer-Reviewed Journal)
- Md. Shafiqul Islam, Sunirmal Kumar Biswas, Md Abdul Halim & Md. Mostak Ahmed “Design and Simulation of Cd free Sb2S3 Based Solar Cells with ZnSe Buffer Layer Using SCAPS-1D”. Prime University Journal (2021)
- Sunirmal Kumar Biswas, Md. Shafiqul Islam, Md Abdul Halim & Md. Mostak Ahmed “Design and Numerical Analysis of Environment Friendly CsSnGeI3Based Perovskite Solar Cells Using SCAPS-1D” Prime University Journal (2022)
- Saha, Tamosree, Md Shafiqul Islam, Md Abdul Halim, Yingking Mitra Prianka, and Md Mostak Ahmed. "Simulation and Investigation of Cd-free SnS-based Solar Cells with a ZnSe as a Buffer Layer using SCAPS-1D." International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology 7, no. 10 (2022).
- Md. Mostak Ahmeda , Md. Shafiqul Islamb , Dr. S.M. Mostafa Al Mamunc , “Numerical simulation of the Electrical Characteristics of nanoscale TG n-FinFET with the variation of Gate Dielectric Materials”, International Journal of Semiconductor Science & Technology (IJSST) ISSN (P): 2250–1576; ISSN (E): 2278–9405 Vol. 11, Issue 2, Dec 2021, 1-10
- Mostak Ahmed, Arin Dutta, Zahid Hasan Mahmood, Simulation of The Electrical Characteristics of Double Gate FinFET with the Variation of Channel Materisals, International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering (IJEEE) ISSN(P): 2278–9944; ISSN(E): 2278–9952 Vol. 10, Issue 3, Apr–May 2021, 1–6 © IASET
- M.M Ahmed, A Dutta, Z.H. Mahmood, “Simulation of the Electrical Characteristics of Double Gate FinFET with the Variation of Channel Length” Volume-4, Issue-2, 2018 Dhaka University Journal of Applied Science and Engineering.
- R.Hossain, M M Ahmed, “Liability of Photovoltaic -Thermoelectric Hybrid Devices”, Journal of Alternate Energy Sources and Technologies (JoAEST), SJIF: 4.395, STM Journals, Volume-8, Issue-1, ISSN: 2230-7982, 2017
- M.M. AHMED, S. DAS AND M.A. MOJID , Design of a FM Transmitter and Receiver operates at 90 MHz, Inst. Engg. Tech. 6(1):16-24 (April 2016), Journal of Institutional Engineering and Technology (IET), ISSN: 2076-3972
- M.M. AHMED, Zaman M. A, Das S “Design of a 100 VA Power Inverter” Journal of Signal Processing, MAT Journals, Volume-2, Issue-1, page 1-9, 2016.
- M.M. AHMED, M.J. HOSSAIN AND M.A.RAHMAN A Study On Hydro Electric Generation In Bangladesh, Inst. Engg. Tech. 2(1):32-38(April 2012), Journal of Institutional Engineering and Technology (IET), ISSN: 2076-3972
- M.M. AHMED AND M.H. KABIR, “Design and Construction of A Billing System Gas Meter”, J. Innov. Dev. Strategy 6(1):17-20(April 2012), Journal of Innovation & Development Strategy (JIDS), ISSN: 1997-2571
- Simulation of the Electrical Characteristics of multigate FinFET with the Variation of Channel Materials, International Conference on Material Science and Semiconductor Devices, 7th - 8th September 2018, Paper ID: 6147, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Lecturer (1 st March, 2008 to 30th Sep, 2013)
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
World University