A S M Saadul Quader

Assistant Professor

Ph.D. Fellow, Jahangirnagar University

Master of Arts in English, East West University

Bachelor of Arts in English, East West University

A S M Saadul Quader

Critical Theory, English Language Teaching, Education in Bangladesh

Publication in Journal

1. In 2013 as Lecturer "Understanding Grammar: Strategies of Using Activities for Passive Students," in the Journal of Center for Multidisciplinary Studies, The People's University of Bangladesh, July-December 2013, Volume: 6, Number: 1, ISSN: 1812-4747

2. In 2014 as Lecturer "Grammar Teaching and Learning through Facebook," in Business Review-Bangladesh: The Journal of Business and Technical Progress, July 2014, Vol. 3, No. 1, ISSN: 2224-1884

3. In 2014 as Assistant Professor "A Study on Teaching Grammar for EFL/ESL Learners," in Bangladesh Research Foundation Journal, November 2014, Vol. 03, No. 02, ISSN: 2224-8404

4. In 2015 as Assistant Professor "Dictionary and Vocabulary Learning: An Enjoyable Journey to Bridging the Gap between Students and Words," in the Journal of General Education (GEd): An Annual Publication of Southern University Bangladesh, April 2015, Volume: III, ISSN: 2223-4543

5. In 2015 as Assistant Professor "Understanding Postmodernism through Breakfast of Champions," in Business Review-Bangladesh: The Journal of Business and Technical Progress, June 2015, Vol. 4, No. 1, ISSN: 2224-1884

6. In 2015 as Assistant Professor "Understanding Modernism through To the Lighthouse: A Study of Virginia Woolf," in Bangladesh Research Foundation Journal, August 2015, Vol. 04, No. 02, ISSN: 2224-8404

7. In 2016 as Assistant Professor "Impact of Personal Habit/Interest on Higher Education," in the journal of Feni University, August 2016, Volume 01, No. 01, ISSN: 2518-3869

8. In 2018 as Assistant Professor "Out-of-Class Activities in Language Learning: Bangladesh Perspective," in the journal of Feni University, April 2018, Volume 02, No. 01 & 02, ISSN: 2518-3869

Book Review in Journal

"Ecofeminism : Its Experience and Theory" in The Jahangirnagar Review, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Jahangirnagar University, Savar, Vol. XXIX 2018, ISSN: 2306-3920

Paper Presentation in Conference

"Shakespeare and Modern Psychology" in a conference titled The Shakespearean Legacy organized by Department of English, Khulna University, Khulna, 3-4 February 2018

Academic Experience

Assistant Professor
Department of English
Prime University, Dhaka
Duration: 2018 to Present

Assistant Professor
Department of English
The People’s University of Bangladesh, Dhaka
Duration: 2014 to 2018

Department of English
The People’s University of Bangladesh, Dhaka
Duration: 2008 to 2014

Adjunct Faculty
Department of English and Humanities
University of Liberal Arts Bangladesh, Dhaka
Duration: 2010 to 2010

Assistant Editor
Journal of The People's University of Bangladesh
Duration: 2014 to 2018

Administrative Experience

Department of English
Prime University, Dhaka
Duration: 2018 to Present

Department of English
The People's University of Bangladesh, Dhaka
Duration: 2013 to 2018

Academic Council
Prime University, Dhaka
Duration: 2018 to Present

Academic Council
The People's University of Bangladesh, Dhaka
Duration: 2013 to 2018

Course Coordinator
Department of English
The People's University of Bangladesh, Dhaka
Duration: 2012 to 2013

Self Assessment Committee (under HEQEP of UGC & World Bank)
Department of English
The People's University of Bangladesh, Dhaka
Duration: 2016 to 2018

Academic Training

Completed a 5-day training at Graduate Training Institute (GTI), Bangladesh Agricultural University (BAU), Mymensingh, from April 15, 2016 to April 19, 2016 under HEQEP of UGC and World Bank on "Teaching-Learning, Curriculum, and Quality Assurance"

Session Chair in Seminar

A seminar on "Post Colonialism : An Introduction" by Department of English & CRHP, Prime University, Dhaka, 25 April 2019, Speaker: Professor Mashrur Shahid Hossain, Department of English, Jahangirnagar University, Savar

A seminar on "Linguistic Diversity in Bangladesh" by Department of English, The People's University of Bangladesh, Dhaka, 22 September 2017, Speaker: Professor Dr. Jinnat Imtiaz Ali, Department of Linguistics, University of Dhaka

Conference & Seminar

Participated a National Seminar at International Mother Language Institute on "Mother Languages – Promotion and Preservation" on 24 February 2019

Participated an International Seminar at International Mother Language Institute on "Mother Languages – Promotion and Preservation" on 22 February 2019

Participated a National Seminar at International Mother Language Institute on "Language Documentation and Revitalization" on 25 February 2018

Participated an International Seminar at International Mother Language Institute on "Language Documentation and Revitalization" on 22 February 2018

Participated the 2nd National Seminar at Feni University, Feni on "Challenges and Opportunities of Bangladesh to Become a Middle-Income Country (MIC) through Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)" on 01 April 2017

Participated an International Conference at Khulna University, Khulna on "Ibsen and Freedom of Speech" on 10-12 March 2017

Participated an International Seminar at International Mother Language Institute on "Language Documentation and Multilingual Education" on 22-23 February 2017

Participated an International Conference at North South University on “The River: Flows of Innovation and Exchange in the Globalized English World" on 03 March 2016

Participated a National Seminar at International Mother Language Institute on "Language and Linguistics" on 23 February 2016

Participated an International Seminar at International Mother Language Institute on "Language and Linguistics" on 22 February 2016

Participated an International Conference at East West University on "English Studies and The Marketplace" on 19 February 2016